How far along? I am way late on my weekly post but today I am 27 weeks 4 days.
Total weight gain: I had to go to the doctor last week so I know I am officially up 22lbs. I couldn't believe what I saw when I got on the scale. Not that 22lbs is a lot of gain with twins but that it all happened in the last 2 months!
Sleep: Oh sleep. How I miss thee. Falling to sleep has become a miserable task. Most nights I lay in bed until about 1 am moving, adjusting, trying to crack my knees or hips. It really has become a fight. There have been a lot of midnight baths to try and relax and help me to fall asleep. I honestly think it's a mix of the inability to get comfortable and my racing brain.
How big are the twins this week? Big. Or at least they feel that way. I will get a weight on them at my normal check up appointment tomorrow but according to my app they are probably around 2.5 lbs each.
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I forgot to take my weekly picture but here is a picture of me (in the mint dress) from the shower with my friend Amber who is about 3-4 weeks behind me with her 3rd. |
Peak of the week: My baby shower in Charleston. I will do a post for it soon. It was incredible.
Pit of the week: Last week I wasn't feeling "right" and decided to give my doctor a call. Since we were going out of town I just needed to know everything was ok. I ran through my symptoms and was told by the nurse I needed to come in right away. (Never a good feeling) When I got there I saw a doctor I hadn't seen before and he ran a series of tests. Long story short I have an antibody in my blood that can become harmful to me and the babies if the levels get to high. I knew about this a few months ago but after monitoring it for a while it seemed to be nearly gone. Well it came back. After testing, meds, and stress the 3 of us are fine and will just be kept under watch. It became stressful but I am confident that it will be ok so I'm not going to worry to much. That's that.
Miss Anything? full lungs, sleep, laying on my back. :)
Cravings: Eating has become a chore, so I haven't been craving much. I think in the last week I've had 3 PBJ smoothies from Planet Smoothie so I guess we can call that a craving. :)
Symptoms/Labor signs: Nothing new. Same stuff.
Looking forward to: The weekend and our Orlando baby shower - we are really just overwhelmed with all of the support people have given us and the babies. The nursery is filling up!