Monday, January 12, 2015

What's in a Name...

Well a lot actually. Naming a baby isn't easy. Naming two felt even more difficult. You give a child a name and that name helps to shape who they are as a human. That's a lot of pressure! You don't want to make their lives harder by giving a name that leads to teasing later in life either. We all know those names... poor kids.

Anyone that knows my husband well knows he can be pretty particular about the details. Ask him where he wants to go for dinner and you won't get an answer, but have him pick out a pair of sneakers and he will spend hours looking and critiquing every inch until he finds the one he likes. Knowing this about him I knew he would be a tough sell on a name. With Jake, we had a list of like 6-8 names that we liked OK before he was born. We brought it to the hospital and just decided we would pick once we met him. We both knew Jacob (Jake) was the right choice.

This time we both agreed we would like to have names before the babies are born. For me it's my neurotic planning. I want to incorporate the names in the nursery and being southern, I would monogram everything if I could.

We knew our girls first name pretty early on. It was a name Mike and I both loved for a long time but we had no idea for a middle name. Her first name was a name I shared with Mike that I had loved since I was little. It actually came from a man my family knows that lived in our neighborhood. From the time I heard it I loved the idea of naming a little girl that name.

For our 2nd son we struggled to come up with a name we both loved. We wanted a good, strong name. A name that sounded confident and male without being to plain.. Mike kept suggesting names of professional soccer players but I shot them down with flaming arrows.

Here's the funny things about names. What we think may not be what you think. Luckily for us, we didn't need anyon else's approval of our names. Without sounding harsh, if you don't like the names we chose, please be polite and keep it to yourself. If you have better names, feel free to carry two babies in your womb for 8+ months and then name them whatever you see fit! What works for us may not for you  and that is a OK! :)

So, since we are all clear, without further ado - meet our twins, for the first time, by name....

Our 2nd son will be Anderson Michael Adams and our daughter, Lawton Calloway Adams. We both stumbled upon Anderson and liked it a lot. It's different, but it isn't wacky, in our opinion. It sounds strong to us. Michael, the middle name, is obviously after his Dad and Grandpa. (Mike is a Jr.) Originally we didn't even think of using Michael, but as time went on I suggested it and really liked the way it sounded together. Mike agreed, he may be partial. As I mentioned before, we were pretty set on Lawton for our girl. I just love the name and luckily Mike does too. Again, we went around and around on middle names... we looked at family names and a bunch of more traditional sounding girl names, but none of them were like "bam, that's it". Funny enough, I was on Instagram and a friend posted a prayer request for a little girl name Calloway... Instantly I loved it. I didn't know what Mike would think but I sent him and email and just her name. Lawton Calloway Adams. A few seconds later I got a response that just said he loved the name too. <3

So there it is. Our babies Anderson and Lawton. We have talked a little about nicknames, but really we will just wait for once we meet them. We are so excited to have names we all love (we had to get Jake's approval too of course)!

Let the monogramming begin! :)

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