Yep! This morning, I went to the doctor for blood work and an ultrasound follicle check and sitting right there on my left ovary was 2, two, dos, b-e-a-utiful follicles, (aka eggs).
I know I know, most people may not get why that is so exciting, BUT for me it's a big deal. It took surgery and months on fertility meds to get 1 follicle to appear, so two of them is awesome! What this means is, my booster meds are working, and my chances of getting pregnant this month increased, because, obviously 2 follicles means that much more of a chance that (at least) one of them gets fertilized. It does not mean we will get pregnant with twins, necessarily, although it does greatly increase that chance as well. :)
I don't think I can put into words how exciting this is for us. Days like this boost me up, and remind me that I am on the right path, God's path. He knows what month it will be, He knows what's best for us, and I am confident in His timing. He is making the perfect baby(s) for us and if that takes time, then so be it! When this child is given to us, we will do our best to raise
Please, please, please pray for us. Pray that this is our month, pray that we have peace and patience. Ultimately, I always pray for God's will to be done, but He knows the desires of my heart. He knows how badly we want this. Pray that if this isn't our month that we pick up and keep going. I thank Him every chance I get, in happiness and sadness, and I will continue to do so.
Since my last post, we began the plan of action. My first shot was dramatic. Envision a two year old tantrum... that was me. Sometimes I suppress my emotions about all of this. Sometimes I get so busy that I don't take the time to process how I feel, and it all ends up dumping out (on Mike) at some random time. This time, it was cycle day 7. I had just finished my last pills of Letrozole and it was time for the shot. I mixed my medicine, got ready and it was go time. Mike picked up the syringe and queue the orchestra... I panicked. Total freak out. Mike tried to stay patient with me but I just lost it. After the fact, I realized it was about so much more than the shot, it was a mash-up of everything that's happened to me in the last month. I worked it out, and moved on -- the silver lining to my
And all of that led me to today. Here I sit, with 2 fat follicles waiting to be fertilized! The nurse called and said Dr. Jaffe reviewed my scan and blood work and thinks everything looks great! SO... I do one more Brevelle (estrogen) shot tomorrow night, then the trigger shot to make me ovulate Friday night, then the IUI Sunday morning. 10 am Sunday morning, I will be at the doctor's office, ready for insemination. The day of the Lord. While I lay there for 15 minutes, I plan to read Scripture, listen to worship music, and pray. After that, it's back to the dreaded two-week wait...
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